Business,  Personal

Faux Bakery Meets Real Recipes

I am a healthy eater. I avoid oil, salt, dairy, sugar, and wheat. I don’t have an issue with any of those things, in fact, they helped to create some of my favorite foods before I changed my diet, but they don’t fit my lifestyle now. This is quite unfortunate as I think it would be fun to include a recipe with any of the faux foods I sell. I know I’d appreciate opening my box of cinnamon roll pattern weights, which look good enough to eat (don’t do that), and finding a cinnamon roll recipe so I could go make my own. In order to send along a yummy recipe, I’d have to bake and bake a lot. I wouldn’t be able to taste test every recipe tweak and still fit into my pajamas, so it’s not something that’s feasible right now.


I have been considering the possibility of collaborating with a small bakery or an individual who would like to simply share their homemade creations with others. We shall see, I suppose. First, sales must be made to afford such an idea.

In the meantime, if anyone stumbles in here with a fantastic recipe they’d like to share, feel free to post it in the comments!

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